Friday 27 February 2015


Recently when visiting a swimming pool with Laura and my two girls, my heart was warmed to see a little boy with ginger hair and red cheeks following Talia, my 6 year old daughter around the splash pool area.  To begin with Talia was totally unaware that this small boy was following her everywhere we walked, keen to get her attention.  Talia was too busy splashing around and looking after our youngest daughter, Sophie to notice.  I actually felt really sorry for the little lad who seemed so desperate to play with Talia and continued to follow her despite not being recognised.  But eventually, after a while and some persistence, the little lad caught Talia’s eye and they began to engage.  Talia realised that he wanted to play and began to include him in her playful water activities.

This made me think about our God-given ability to influence others.  Whether you know it or not, there are people that look to and follow you.  But the question is do you know who they are?  Have you leveraged your influence and connected with them yet?  We can all be a positive influence for good and for God.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that we are going to be trying to build deep relationships with everyone that looks to us, though there may well be a few, but perhaps we can share something of God’s light and life that will really lift them in their journey.  There are a lot of people walking through life without a sense of vision and direction.   You and I can be part of pointing them in the way of Christ, the One whom they were created by and for.  

Bible Bite: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1 (Words of the Apostle Paul) 

Challenge: Like Paul in the verse above, let’s follow Jesus as others follow us.    

1 comment:

  1. How're you getting on with this? I understand it's not public just yet but am looking forward to seeing this develop.
